What happened?

You were coming here to see a website against feminism, but see nothing instead?

Did the feminazis get this website?

No, basically, the website was under construction for about 2 years because I never got around to completing it. I don't know why, but maybe I'm not that kind of person who is so good at making these kind of websites. I think I wanted to redo the style. The wording seemed a bit too immature really. I didn't want to redo it a mainstream style, just less unaware of how to put things across clearer.

I never publicated it, which was fine for a while. But suddenly I started getting emails from people about my website. I guess I must have got linked, and people have come in.

I don't like showing off half-made work, it looks really lame and unprofessional. So I'm taking it down.

Sorry about that. Maybe one day I'll finish off that stupid thing.

In the mean time, why not look at these websites?

www.backlash.com - Not the best, but there are some good stuff in its archives

www.patriarchy.com - A pretty good one and a new one.

http://idt.net/~per2/0697mani.htm#amazon - A very good website. Puts the points across so well.

http://www.vix.com/men/battery/battery.html - Some facts on battery. vix.com/men/ has anti feminism on it also.

http://www.ozemail.com.au/~irgeo/leave.htm - Some more anti feminism

http://members.xoom.com/equals/ - Anti male adverts, abuse of statistics and more

http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm - Something to do with assault

http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/3951/feminism1.html - More anti feminism

http://www.gabnet.com/lit/deich3e.htm - And more